Psoriasis is a common, multiple, easy to relapse, difficult to cure skin diseases which in addition to external drug therapy, oral systemic therapy, biological treatment, there is another treatment...
As people focus on health, the demand for oximeters is gradually increasing, especially after the COVID-19 epidemic.
Accurate detection and prompt warning
Oxygen saturation is a measure of the abil...
The patient monitor is a type of medical device that measures and controls the physiological parameters of a patient, and can be compared with normal parameter values, and an alarm can be issued if...
UV phototherapy is 311 ~ 313nm ultraviolet light treatment.Also known as narrow spectrum ultraviolet radiation therapy ( NB UVB therapy ).The narrow segment of UVB: the wavelength of 311 ~ 313nm ca...
The PR on the patient monitor is the abbreviation of the English pulse rate, which reflects the speed of the human pulse. The normal range is 60-100 bpm and for most normal people, the pulse rate i...