Yonker a leading provider of medical equipment, proudly celebrated its 20th anniversary with a grand New Year’s gala. The event, held on January 18th, was a momentous occasion that brought togeth...
For global clinical diagnosis problems and primary health, Yonker ultrasound department keeps seeking better solutions and refines its core technologies through continuous research and
technical i...
Long-term oxygen inhalation can relieve pulmonary hypertension caused by hypoxia, reduce polycythemia, reduce blood viscosity, reduce the burden of right ventricle, and alleviate the occurrence and...
On May 16, 2021, the 84th China International Medical Equipment Expo with the theme of “NEW TECH, SMART FUTURE” ended successfully at the Shanghai International Exhibition Center.
In May 2021, the global chip shortage also affected medical electronic instruments. The production of oximeter monitor requires a large number of chips. The outbreak of epidemic in India intensifie...