Regular blood pressure measurement and detailed record, can intuitively understand the health situation. Electronic blood pressure monitor is very popular, many people prefer to buy this kind of bl...
RR showing on the patient monitor means respiratory rate. If RR value is high means rapid respiratory rate. The normal people respiration rate is 16 to 20 beats per min.
The patient monitor has the...
As people focus on health, the demand for oximeters is gradually increasing, especially after the COVID-19 epidemic.
Accurate detection and prompt warning
Oxygen saturation is a measure of the abil...
Medical patient monitors are a very common one in all kinds of medical electronic instruments. It is usually deployed in the CCU, ICU ward and operating room, rescue room and other
used alone or ne...
Guo Zhenlun the director of Service Trade Office of Jiangsu Provincial Commerce led a research team accompanied by Shi Kun the director of Service Trade Office of the Xuzhou Commerce, Xia Dongfeng...