Medical patient monitors are a very common one in all kinds of medical electronic instruments. It is usually deployed in the CCU, ICU ward and operating room, rescue room and other
used alone or ne...
Normally, healthy peoples’ SpO2 value is between 98% and 100%, and if the value over 100%, it is considered as blood oxygen saturation is too high.High blood oxygen saturation can cause ce...
UV phototherapy is 311 ~ 313nm ultraviolet light treatment.Also known as narrow spectrum ultraviolet radiation therapy ( NB UVB therapy ).The narrow segment of UVB: the wavelength of 311 ~ 313nm ca...
General Patient monitor is bedside patient monitor, the monitor with 6 parameters(RESP, ECG, SPO2, NIBP,TEMP) is suitble for ICU, CCU etc.
How to know the mean of 5parameters ? Look at this photo...
The PR on the patient monitor is the abbreviation of the English pulse rate, which reflects the speed of the human pulse. The normal range is 60-100 bpm and for most normal people, the pulse rate i...