Regular blood pressure measurement and detailed record, can intuitively understand the health situation. Electronic blood pressure monitor is very popular, many people prefer to buy this kind of bl...
Fingertip pulse oximeter was invented by Millikan in the 1940s to monitor the concentration of oxygen in arterial blood, an important indicator of the severity of COVID-19. Yonker now explains how ...
The PR on the patient monitor is the abbreviation of the English pulse rate, which reflects the speed of the human pulse. The normal range is 60-100 bpm and for most normal people, the pulse rate i...
Yonker nebulizer uses atomizing inhaler to atomize the liquid medicine into tiny particles, and the medicine enters the respiratory tract and lungs by breathing and inhaling, so as to achieve the p...
On December 16, 2020, professors from Shanghai Tongji University led an expert delegation to visit our company. Mr. Zhao Xuecheng,General manager of Yonker Medical, and Mr. Qiu Zhaohao, manager of ...
The patient monitor generally refers to a multiparameter monitor, which measures the parameters include but not limited to: ECG, RESP, NIBP, SpO2, PR, TEPM, etc. It is a monitoring device or syste...