Normally, healthy peoples’ SpO2 value is between 98% and 100%, and if the value over 100%, it is considered as blood oxygen saturation is too high.High blood oxygen saturation can cause ce...
Guo Zhenlun the director of Service Trade Office of Jiangsu Provincial Commerce led a research team accompanied by Shi Kun the director of Service Trade Office of the Xuzhou Commerce, Xia Dongfeng...
Long-term oxygen inhalation can relieve pulmonary hypertension caused by hypoxia, reduce polycythemia, reduce blood viscosity, reduce the burden of right ventricle, and alleviate the occurrence and...
On December 16, 2020, professors from Shanghai Tongji University led an expert delegation to visit our company. Mr. Zhao Xuecheng,General manager of Yonker Medical, and Mr. Qiu Zhaohao, manager of ...