
PU-MT241A Premium Diagnostic Ultrasound System

If you have any questions or need more information about Yonkermed Medical's products and services, please feel free to contact our team. We look forward to providing you with the best medical ultrasound technology support.

Headquarters Address: 13th Floor, Building C1, Mingyang Square, Software Park

Economic development District, Xuzhou

Factory AddressBuilding No.9, Area B, Dian Dian Industrial Park, Xuzhou Industrial Zone, Jiawang District, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province

Overseas Yonkermed  Official Email: infoyokermed@yonker.cn

Yonkermed   Official Websitewww.yonkermed.com

Sales Hotline+86 516 68910108 Domestic Medical

+86 516 68910109 Overseas Medical

WhatsApp+86 15005204265

Post time: Jun-26-2024