As one of the most popular examination instruments in hospitals, the ECG machine is also the medical instrument that front-line medical staff have the most chance to touch. The the main contents of...
Long-term oxygen inhalation can relieve pulmonary hypertension caused by hypoxia, reduce polycythemia, reduce blood viscosity, reduce the burden of right ventricle, and alleviate the occurrence and...
The patient monitor generally refers to a multiparameter monitor, which measures the parameters include but not limited to: ECG, RESP, NIBP, SpO2, PR, TEPM, etc. It is a monitoring device or syste...
UV phototherapy is 311 ~ 313nm ultraviolet light treatment.Also known as narrow spectrum ultraviolet radiation therapy ( NB UVB therapy ).The narrow segment of UVB: the wavelength of 311 ~ 313nm ca...