Yonker a leading provider of medical equipment, proudly celebrated its 20th anniversary with a grand New Year’s gala. The event, held on January 18th, was a momentous occasion that brought togeth...
In 2021-9-1, Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, Yongkang Electronics Union East U Gu Smart Factory, which took 8 months to build, was put into operation.
It is understood that Yongkang Electronics Union eas...
Life is more than the hustle and bustle
There are poems and distance fields
More colorful company team building
So in order to strengthen team building, enhance collective consciousness, deepen t...
On December 16, 2020, professors from Shanghai Tongji University led an expert delegation to visit our company. Mr. Zhao Xuecheng,General manager of Yonker Medical, and Mr. Qiu Zhaohao, manager of ...